Recent Events
December 2024
At our “Christmas ‘do’” on 3 December, we were pleased to welcome to our festivities the Lord Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, Councillor Rob Higgins, who found his arm twisted to present our annual prizes to the recipients – the Phil Trainer Memorial Cup was retained by No 1114 (Gosforth) Sqn, RAF Air Cadets; our new Joseph Thornley Memorial Shield went to Royal Air Force Boulmer and our ‘Rampant Eagle’ went to No 361 (Gateshead) Sqn, RAF Air Cadets. As the ‘Runner-up Shield’ had been awarded to No 242 (Cramlington) Sqn, RAF Cadets (for their support in recent events) only a few months previously, it will remain there. A well-supported raffle put £131 in Branch funds and a good time was had by all. Alan (Proudlock) was busy with his camera and a selection is on display in the Photographic Section. A timely reminder from the Chair that our Annual General Meeting takes place in February and your support is essential. Details will be included in the ‘Future events’ page when they are confirmed.
November 2024
On Sunday 10 November, the Branch was represented at several local Remembrance Services. Our Standards were paraded at Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead and wreaths were laid at: Newcastle upon Tyne by Ms K Bowers; Gateshead by Mr K Allen; Gosforth by Mr M Collins; Rowlands Gill by Mr K Mongan; Bedlington by Mr S Graham and at our Memorial in Chevington Cemetery by Mr M Dickinson.
Only one photograph is available, taken at Chevington and that features in the Photographic section.
On Monday 11 November, an ‘informal gathering’ was held at the Cenotaph in Old Eldon Square in Newcastle upon Tyne, supported by our Branch Standard and several Branch members together with members of other local ex-Service organisations. Although not supported officially, a two-minute silence was observed and a rendition of the National Anthem followed accompanied by an unexpectedly large congregation that had gathered and joined in.
Again, only one photograph is available and that, too, features in the Photographic section.
Monday 14 October 2024
On 14 October 1999, Tornado GR4 ZD609 from Royal Air Force Lossiemouth crashed at Mount Huly Farm, Kirkheaton in Northumberland and the crew, Flt Lt Wright and Flt Lt Casabayo, did not survive.
Due greatly to the efforts of Martin Wintermeyer (a former Tornado aircrew and also a Branch member) saw the formal unveiling and dedication of a Memorial stone erected in their memory at Kirkheaton, 25 years after the accident.
Able Rating Will Casabayo, Royal Navy (the son of Flt Lt Casabayo) unveiled the Memorial stone in the presence of both the Lord Lieutenant and the High Sheriff of Northumberland, the AOC No 11 Group, the OC RAF Boulmer, the Standards of No 19 Sqn and No 31 Sqn, civic leaders, many other dignitaries and family members. A Typhoon aircraft from RAF Lossiemouth overflew the parade and service at the exact time of the accident.
Also on parade was our Branch Standard (carried by David Gilbert) supported by Branch member’s Raymond Hill, Bill Houston, Roy Knox and Kevin Mongan and the Standard of No 242 (Cramlington) Sqn, RAF Air Cadets supported by several Cadets.
A reception was held after the event at Capheaton Hall, at which many anecdotes and tributes were voiced. A selection of photographs of the event (taken by Simon Moore, MCO, RAF Boulmer) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
Sunday 22 September
As is now our custom, our annual Battle of Britain Commemoration service was again held in St George’s Church in Jesmond. We were pleased to welcome as guests the Lord Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne and Wg Cdr West from RAF Boulmer. We were splendidly supported by our associated units of the RAF Air Cadets and other veteran organisations together with their standards. The clement weather meant a well-attended parade outside the church, after the service. The social gathering in the Church Hall afterwards seemed to be enjoyed by all and the Wings Appeal collection bucket raised £80. A selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) features in the “Photographs” section.
Sunday 30 June
Our intrepid Display Team (Michael Collins, Bill Houston and Debbie Owens) armed with our gazebo and (depleted !) stock of Wings goodies – ventured to the lower reaches of our geographical area to Stanley in County Durham (when the RAFA Branch in Stanley closed, we ‘inherited’ their member portfolio) in support of the Stanley Armed Forces Day. As always, a suitable photograph features in the ‘Photographs’ section.
Friday 12 April
Although at very short notice, Branch members accepted an invitation to attend an event on the western edge of the former airfield at RAF Eshott near Felton in Northumberland, to witness the blessing of a replica Spitfire to commemorate a flight accident exactly 80 years earlier when a pilot of the Norwegian Air Force lost his life.
A selection of photographs of the event (taken by Alan Proudlock of RAFA Newcastle and Gateshead) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
Sunday 28 April
Heavy persistent rain in the morning almost caused the cancellation of this annual event but that did not prevent the usual hardy contingent of veterans, their standards, representatives from the Australian and New Zealand forces and members of the public gathering in Chevington Cemetery for our annual Commemoration of ANZAC Day to pay tribute to Australian and New Zealand aircrew who died in service during World War 2 whilst based at the near-by RAF Acklington and who are at rest in Chevington cemetery. Fortunately, the weather improved by the time the ceremony commenced and the Commemoration followed the now-standard ritual. Music for the event was again provided by the Backworth Colliery Band with their usual expertise, No 242 (Cramlington) Squadron RAF Air Cadets were (as always) impeccable in their support, as was the Northumbria Universities Air Squadron, who provided the Honour Guard with their usual great credit. As is the custom, the gathering retired to the Trap Inn at Broomhill to continue the now-customary social celebration.
A selection of photographs of the event (taken by Alan Proudlock of RAFA Newcastle and Gateshead) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
Sunday 24 September
Our annual Battle of Britain Commemoration service. Again, at St George’s Church in Jesmond but service commitments elsewhere meant that RAF Boulmer was not able to formally support us but we were supported by Northumbria Universities Air Squadron, local units of the RAF Air Cadets, and the standards from other veteran organisations. We were also pleased to welcome the Lord Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Wg Cdr Best from RAF Boulmer. The social gathering in the Church Hall afterwards was enjoyed by all and the Wings Appeal collection bucket raised £74. A selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) features in the “Photographs” section.
Sunday 10 September
Several Branch members (and their dependents) went on an expedition to Eden Camp near Malton in North Yorkshire for their annual Festival of Remembrance. A selection of photographs of the event (taken (as usual) by Alan Proudlock) features in the ‘Photographs’ section.
During September
Our Branch Secretary took the opportunity to create an impressive display in the window of the shop in which she is employed. A strategically placed collection tin inside the shop has yet to yield its contents!! A photograph of the display can be seen in the ‘Photographs’ section.
June 2023
Saltwell Park, Gateshead. Members of the Branch, No 361 (Gateshead) Sqn RAF Air Cadets, the Gateshead branch of the Fellowship of the Services and the Allen family and in the presence of the Worshipful Mayor of Gateshead gathered together for the formal unveiling of the Seat in memory of our Branch member, the late Mr Lawrence Allen. The Seat was blessed by the vicar of St Edmund’s Church in Gateshead. A short reception was held later in the Towers, in Saltwell Park. A selection of photographs of the event (taken by a member of the Allen family) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
April 2023
Sunday 23 April. Cold, overcast, threatening to rain but that did not stop the usual retinue of veterans, their standards, cadets, representatives from the Australian and New Zealand forces and members of the public gathering in Chevington Cemetery for our annual Commemoration of ANZAC Day to pay tribute to Australian and New Zealand aircrew who died in service during World War 2 whilst based at the near-by RAF Acklington and who are at rest in Chevington cemetery. The Commemoration took its usual form – the playing of the national anthems of Australia and New Zealand, a short service of remembrance, the laying of wreaths on the Memorial, acts of remembrance at the individual graves and a ceremonial parade. Music for the event was provided by the Backworth Colliery Band with their usual expertise, No 242 (Cramlington) Squadron RAF Air Cadets were impeccable in their support, as was the Northumbria Universities Air Squadron, who stepped in at very short notice to provide the Honour Guard (caused by the lack of support this year from Royal Air Force Boulmer) and who were a great credit. As is the custom, the Trap Inn at Broomhill hosted the gathering afterwards.
A selection of photographs of the event (taken by Alan Proudlock of RAFA Newcastle and Gateshead) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
December 2022:
Out again at TESCO, Kingston Park with our bears and badges, collecting for our Wings Appeal (photo in the Photo section).
November 2022:
Remembrance week – both our Standards were paraded at a football match at Gateshead Stadium (two photographs, see the Photo section) and on Remembrance Sunday itself Mark paraded the Newcastle & Gateshead Standard at the Gateshead ceremony whilst Dave paraded the Newcastle standard at the Newcastle ceremony, where Karen laid our representative wreath (again, two photographs, see the Photo section).
October 2022
Sunday October 18. Our Branch President (Air Commodore Coney and his wife) and members gathered at St Edmund’s Church in Gateshead to attend the formal laying-up ceremony of the Standard of the now defunct Gateshead Branch and the blessing of the new Standard of the combined Newcastle & Gateshead branch. This new Standard came from the legacy of the late Mr Lawrence Allen (see the event in December 2021) and a suitable memorial plate adorns the space just below the finial. The stand to support the Gateshead Standard in the church permanently was fabricated and kindly donated by Branch member Kevin Mongan. Also present were members of the Lawrence family, a representative of the local Fellowship of the Services organisation (of which Mr Allen was a member) and members of No 361 (Gateshead) Sqn RAF Air Cadets (Mr Allen was a founder member of the Squadron at the formation of the Air Cadet organisation). The Mayor of Gateshead (herself a former member of the Royal Air Force) honoured us with her presence. As usual, a selection of photographs (courtesy of Alan Proudlock) showing the ceremony as it occurred are displayed in the ‘Photographs’ section.
September 2022
Sunday 25 September and our annual Battle of Britain Commemoration service. This year, we returned to St George’s Church in Jesmond but (as last year) service commitments elsewhere meant that RAF Boulmer was not able to formally support us and it is regretted that the Northumbria Universities Air Squadron was not able to join us but we were able to welcome RAF Air Cadets from 733 and 1214 Sqns and the standards from other veteran organisations. We were also pleased to welcome the Sheriff and Deputy Lord Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Wg Cdr Foy from RAF Boulmer. And (as is our custom) we all enjoyed the social gathering in the Church Hall afterwards. A selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) features in the “Photographs” section.
The following message, sent on 9 September on your behalf by the Chairman and Trustees of the Branch, was placed on our Facebook page and is repeated here for your information.
Your Majesty, on behalf of the Branch members, please accept our sincerest condolences to you and your family on the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. As young Royal Air Force personnel we pledged our Allegiance to our late Sovereign, which we are proud and privileged to confirm also to your Majesty. God Save The King.
Sunday 4 September saw the usual group of intrepid explorers set off on an expedition to the Air Museum at Elvington near York for a day of fun and frivolity and gathered other explorers on the way. Unfortunately, it took longer to get out of Newcastle than it did to get to Elvington but, despite this setback, a good time was had by all, although it was said that the catering was not up to the usual standard. Some photographs (courtesy of Alan Proudlock) can be seen in the ‘Photographs’ section.
April 2022
Sunday 24 April. Chevington Cemetery near Red Row, Northumberland. Purpose – formal Commemoration of those airmen from the Antipodes who were killed in the 1939-45 conflict and who rest in the enclave at Chevington, in conjunction with their national ANZAC Day. After an absence of three years, we welcomed not only the members of our own Branch but those who travelled up from the Branch at Hartlepool; our new branch from Rothbury; the Royal Observer Corps Association; the Royal Air Force Police Association and many other veteran organisations and a large number of members of the public. Their Standards were also paraded, the Guard of Honour was provided by the Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron and, after a short ceremony of Remembrance led the Padre from Royal Air Force Boulmer wreaths were laid at the Commemorative Headstone by representatives from Australia and New Zealand, together with those from other organisations, both national and local. Then, as is our custom, crosses were placed on each individual grave by representatives of the Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron and Cadets from 242 (Cramlington) and 2522 (Bedlington) Squadron’s, RAF Air Cadets. The Commemoration concluded with a formal March Past, the Salute being taken by Air Commodore Corney, the President of our Branch. The music during the event (and the bugler) was provided by the Backworth Band. And (as is our custom) we repaired to Hadston Village Hall for refreshments and a ‘good old catchup’.
And a selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) features in the ‘Photographs’ section.
January 2022
On Thursday 6 January we again gathered to pay our respects and say farewell – this time at Blyth Crematorium – to Keith Laws, our long-standing colleague and Parade Marshall at many of our events, who passed away suddenly just before Christmas 2021.
December 2021
On Thursday 23 December Branch members who were able – and both our Standards – paraded at the Saltwell Crematorium in Gateshead to pay our respects and say farewell to our long-standing colleague Lawrence Allen. The Collection Box was donated by Lawrence’s family to the Branch and (at the time of writing) an appropriate memorial to Lawrence is under discussion by the Committee.
November 2021
Remembrance Day, Sunday 14 November. Many Remembrance Day ceremonies in our area but represented by Mark Barker and Steve Hendry at Gateshead with Kenny Allen, Karen Bowers and Dave Gilbert (with Standard) at Newcastle and Syd Graham at Bedlington. They all feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
Monday 6 November saw two Branch members, Bill Houston and Dave Gilbert, manning the Royal British Legion ‘Poppy Table’ in TESCO at Kingston Park. A photograph of them in their finery features in the ‘Photographs’ section.
September 2021
Saw us enjoying our Battle of Britain Commemoration service at St Hilda’s Church in Jesmond, after an absence of two years. Although service commitments elsewhere meant that RAF Boulmer was not able to support us this year and we were not able to hold our usual formal parade, we were delighted that the Northumbria Universities Air Squadron was able to join us and that we able to welcome representatives and the standards from other veteran organisations too. We were also pleased to welcome the Lord Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Station Commander from RAF Boulmer, who read the lesson. And (as usual) we all enjoyed the social gathering in the Church hall afterwards. A selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) features in the “Photographs” section.
August 2021
Was the 100th birthday of Mr Bill Atkinson of Holywell who was a founder member of the RAF Regiment in 1942. To mark the event, the RAF Regiment Association had organised a celebration of his birthday and the Branch went along in support, together with standards from other veteran organisations. The weather was typically August – it rained and rained all afternoon but we were able to muster a parade and march to Bill’s house where the family was gathered in a mini-marquee outside. Some of us had the foresight to bring plastic macs and brollies, those without got wet, as can be seen in the selection of photographs (taken by Alan Proudlock) in the “Photographs” section.
June 2021
On Sunday 27 June 2021 the Association-sponsored Tornado Tribute Tour of England, a cycle-ride by colleagues to commemorate the memory of aircrew who were killed whilst on active service during the Gulf Wars ended with a Service of Remembrance at the grave of Flt Lt Norman Dent, who is buried in the Old Cemetery at Washington in County Durham.
The event was supported by the Branch with our Standard and that from the Branch at Crook, together with the family and relatives of Flt Lt Dent and with a large number of members of the public who remembered Flt Lt Dent.
A selection of photographs taken by Alan Proudlock features in the “Photographs” section.
December 2020
Our Branch RAFALO (FS Mark Barker) completed his walk on 17 December 2020 for ‘Walking for the Wounded’ and raised £246 from Branch member’s and thanks all who supported him.
October 2019
The ‘Hell Fire Pass’ at Kanchanaburi is a preserved site on the infamous Burma-Thai Railway built by prisoners of war of the Japanese during 1942-5 and where many RAF and RAFVR personnel lost their lives and are commemorated on the Memorial at the Pass. Some time ago, our Secretary (Bill Houston) was in his local shop (who have one of our collecting tins on their counter) when an assistant explained that her son (who is ex-Army) lives in the Far East and was a regular visitor to the Memorial and, as she was going to visit her son, she was willing to take with her some Remembrance tributes from our Branch to place on the Memorial on our behalf. This she did and a series of photographs taken at the time can be seen in the Photographic section.
June 2019
Early in 1940, 610 (City of Chester) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force, was withdrawn from front line duty in the South East of England and deployed to RAF Acklington to ‘recuperate and re-equip’. During their short stay at Acklington, four Squadron aircrew lost their lives on active duty but none were laid to rest in the ‘RAF Acklington enclave’ in Chevington Cemetery. On 19 June 2019, however, a memorial to their memory (arranged by 610 Squadron Association) was unveiled and blessed in the nearby church of St John the Devine, Hadston. The ceremony was attended by Group Captain Willibond (as Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Northumberland), the Officer Commanding Administrative Wing and the Station Warrant Officer from RAF Boulmer and the Chairman of the 610 Sqn Association and supported by our Branch member’s (Doug Bradley, Michael Collins, Dave Gilbert (and our Standard) Bob Gordon, Syd Graham, Roy Knox, Alan Proudlock and Jim Riddle). Afterwards, a small social gathering was held in the nearby Community Centre in Hadston. Photographs of the event (taken by Alan Proudlock) feature in the ‘Photographs’ section.
April 2019
ANZAC Day on a lovely day in Chevington Cemetery. A splendid gathering of dignitaries, the Honour Guard from RAF Boulmer, local RAF Air Cadets, Northumbrian Universities Air Sqn, military representatives from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Poland and many other North East veterans’ associations. Music provided by the Backworth Band. And afterwards (as usual) at The Trap in North in North Broomhill. Plenty of photographs on the ‘Photographs’ section, mostly by Alan Proudlock, others from dubious sources!!
December 2018
During 2018, Phil Trainor (one of our most regular supporters) passed away and his family asked how his memory could be best remembered. The donation of a trophy was suggested and the first two photographs in the ‘Presentations 2018’ selection in the ‘Photographs’ show the relatives of Phil presenting the ‘Phil Trainor Trophy’ to Sgt Sam Martin (our RAFALO from RAF Boulmer) who accepted the trophy on our behalf. Also shown are some Cadets accepting their trophy at our December ‘do’ and (later in the month) Certificates of Appreciation for ‘services rendered’ to Mr & Mrs Dickinson of The Trap at North Broomhill for their support after our many ANZAC (and other) events. Mr Dickinson returned the compliment by presenting a similar Certificate to Syd Graham.
September 2018
Our annual Battle of Britain Commemoration Service in September took place in St Hilda’s Church in Jesmond (for the first time) as our previous venue (St Andrew’s in Newcastle was unavailable due to problems with the roof). We were pleased to be able to welcome local dignitaries, with support from RAF Boulmer, the Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron and the RAF Air Cadets. Photographs of the event can be found in the ‘Photographs’ section.
June 2018
Sunday 3 June saw the usual intrepid bunch of Branch members (Doug Bradley, Michael Collins (Chairman), Dave Gilbert (Standard Bearer), Tom Harrison, Bill Houston (Secretary) and Roy Knox) heading North up to Amble to represent the Branch at the unveiling of the Memorial to the crew of the RAF Pinnace 1386 (from the then Marine Craft Unit at Amble) which capsized on 29 September 1969 outside Amble Harbour on the Pan Bush Shoal with Flt Lt Bell (Skipper), Cpl Ivil and SAC Benson (the two Wireless Operators) losing their lives. The remaining five crew members owe their lives to the heroic efforts of the Amble Lifeboat crews; local fishermen; the crew of the SAR helicopter from 202 Sqn at RAF Acklington and members from the nearest Royal Navy Diving Team.
The memorial plaque (located on The Green at Amble, the nearest point to the Pan Bus Shoal) was unveiled by Wg Cdr Brown from RAF Boulmer (supported by two Warrant Officers from the recently formed Trade Group 7 (the amalgam of the Air Traffic Control and Battle Management specialities)); two representatives from the Royal Navy Diving Team at HMS Faslane; current members of the Amble RNLI Lifeboat; RAF Air cadets; many members of the Marine Craft Association and their families and many members of the local fraternity . After the blessing of the memorial by the Vicar of Amble a Minutes silence was observed and this was followed by a violin recital and the laying of wreaths, one by the widow of Cpl Ivil. After the formalities were complete, refreshments were available in the Lifeboat Station nearby.
On the way home, the team felt it necessary to deploy to The Trap in North Broomhill to reflect upon the day’s events !!
April 2018
The Royal Air Force celebrated 100 years since its formation on 1 April 1918 and, in the absence of any formal ceremonial, the Branch held its own small commemoration of the event at the War Memorial in Eldon Square, Newcastle. A selection of photographs are shown in the ‘Photographs’ section.
September 2017
Over 250 people packed into St Andrew’s Church in Newgate Street, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne for our annual Commemoration of the Battle of Britain on Sunday, 24 September 2017
In attendance were the Sheriff of Newcastle, Councillor David Down and Mrs Down, The Deputy Lieutenant of Tyne & Wear, Major Eric Ingram, the President of Newcastle Royal Air Forces Association, Air Commodore Ian Forster OBE, Wing Commander Tim Brown representing the Officer Commanding Royal Air Force Boulmer and Reverend (Squadron Leader) David Haslam, Royal Air Force Boulmer. An Honour Guard of 24 personnel from Royal Air Force Boulmer represented the regular Royal Air Force; the Northumbrian Universities Air Squadron sent 14 of their personnel and there were 30 Cadets from the Air Training Corps present. Adding colour to the occasion were fifteen standard bearers from Royal Air Forces Association Branches and other ex-service organisations whilst the music for the event was provided the Band of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
The Service of Thanksgiving was conducted by Squadron Leader Haslam and included readings by Wing Commander Brown and a young RAF officer. Following the service, a buffet reception was hosted by the Branch. Some photographs of the event appear in the ‘Photographs’ section.
February 2017
The Branch Standard was paraded at the funeral of Branch members Tom Padgett.
March 2017
The Northern Area Conference was held in Blackpool. Bill Houston attended as the Branch Delegate.
April 2017
The annual ANZAC Parade was held at Chevington Ceremony and the fine weather contributed to the attendance of approximately 250 people. RAF Boulmer provided a Guard of honour and Wing Commander Taylor as reviewing officer. The cadets of 1801 Squadron ATC participated as did 14 RAFA and other association standards.
The ceremony was greatly enhanced by the four new flagpoles, donated by Northumberland County Council. As usual, the buffet reception was held at The Trap Inn.
May 2017
The annual Celebration Dinner was held at Northern Rugby Club and enjoyed by all who attended. Music was provided by a small ensemble from the ATC Wing Band and a free cask of ale was donated by the chef, David Giles. Guest of Honour was the Area President, Air commodore Richard Corney, OBE, with Mrs Corney.
June 2017
The Branch was represented at the Falklands Commemoration event held at the Jigsaw memorial, Killingworth. David Gilbert paraded the Branch Standard.
The Branch provided the only RAF representation at the Military Village event held on the Town Moor.
December 2015
In conjunction with the Management Team at Newcastle Airport, a plaque was unveiled in the Passenger Terminal to commemorate the period 1939 to 1945 when Newcastle Airport was in the hands of the Royal Air Force (known as RAF Woolsington), primarily the home of No 83 Maintenance Unit, salvaging damaged aircraft from the area and was also used as a satellite base by No 72 Sqn RAF (equipped with the Spitfire) when it was based at both RAF Ackington and Ouston during 1940-2. It returned to civilian use in 1945. A photograph of Branch members at the event is shown in the ‘Photographic’ section.
November 2015
The Branch (and other Veterans Association) were invited to a meeting of the RAF Police Association (North East Branch) to celebrate the award of the ‘Legion of Honour’ to a former RAF Police veteran of the Normandy Campaign in 1944. A couple of photographs appear in the ‘Photographs’ section – one ‘practicing’ and one formal !! The recipient of the award is the gentleman in the centre of the front row.